Product: FILM PROMOTION- teaser trailer, a film magazine front cover and poster for film
Genre: Horror, teen-slasher, suspense
Target audience: 15-24 (with a 15 rating) disposable income, young male and female. Also an audience looking for a different style of horror.
Similar media products: Friday the 13, Blair Witch Project, Cloverfield and Quarantine
Justification of choice of brief: Horror films are extremely popular, with the advantages in technology the horror genre has become more realistic, with sleek graphics and special effects. I want to return to the basic conventions, terrifying killer, screaming teenagers and heart racing suspense.
Representation Issues: Using real teenagers to convey a sense of realism for the audience as well as providing a effective and frighting killer.
Narrative: From looking at trailers for films portraying the narrative in a documentary style, such as the Blair Witch Project and Quarantine. My production will use the same technique.I will use a non-linear narrative as this is a typical convention of a teaser trailer, i will use segments and cuts of my narrative to appeal to the audiences curiosity. I have decided to adhere to the convention of a non-linear narrative as it is an effective aspect of a teaser trailer so there is no need to change this method as it captures the audience attention well.
Creativity: My research has mainly revolved around looking at films that use a hand-held camera to present there narrative, I want to portray my narrative in a similar way. These type of films rely on the sense of truth, and has a detailed advertising campaign to further enhance the idea that the film is reality. I want to link my poster, magazine cover and teaser trailer to convey a sense of realism to the audience as if the event really occurred.
Challenges anticipated: Filming - Capturing a realist style of filming, and making the narrative clear. Actors - Good at improvising the event to make it seem mote real. Editing - using a mix of quick cuts and short cuts, portraying the sense of danger and fear using transitions and making it look like a hand-held film.
Digital technology: I will use the Internet for my promotional campaign, placing my teaser trailer on networking websites and having its own promotional website. The Internet is an effective way of reaching your target audiences as well as a wide audiences, especially if the production is more independent and has less funds, it can reach the audience it needs.